We are very excited to host the 2022 Stoney Lake Triathlon June 19th, 2022
Stoney Lake Triathlon is a fun, safe event that offers something for everyone.
A grass-roots event in a beautiful location, this is a unique triathlon experience.
Carveth's Marina, RR2, 426 Carveth's Marina Rd. Lakefield On
START & FINISH: Carveths Marina
Plenty of Free parking and post race festivities are at Carveths Marina
Free parking will be available nearby - watch for signs.

Races & Fees
Sprint Triathlon : 750 m swim, 20km bike, 5km run - $65
Duathlon : 3km run, 20km bike, 5km run - $65
Team Sprint Triathlon or Duathlon (2 or 3 members) : 750m swim (or 3k run), 20km bike, 5km run - $75
Accurate course & chip timed.

Start Time
9am for the Try-A-Tri
10am for the Sprint Tri, Relay & Duathlon
12noon for the kids 1k fun run. Registration for the 1k is free but has to be done prior to June 17th
Race day check in begins 8 am